
Blind folding love

Andy Warhol has so many great lines, and I never really get bored of them.
So, I still take out "The Philosophy of Andy Warhol" from time to time
and crack myself laughing over some random pages.

In the chapter about "Love", he said

"People should fall in love with their eyes closed. Just close your eyes, don't look."

Really, the clearer you see, the less you are able to fall in love with someone.
Sometimes I wonder if that is the reason why people get in bed drunk,
so that either you have the excuse to forget, or really keep the eyes shut.

Or in another case, we tend to blind fold ourselves so that we could really fall.
I guess it's an animal instinct to bypass and avoid roadblocks,
as if they don't exist.

But if you keep the blindfold on, you run into problems.
Because you end up falling in love with a blur, darkness, and a blackhole.
You get sucked into unknownness, and that is creepy.
So in the end, near the moment of truth,
You are not really falling in love at all, because how can someone fall in love with nothing?

Right, because you simply cannot fall in love with nothing.

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